Richard III
charity performance nights
Three performances of Richard III were specially designated to donate all proceeds to charities that focus on promoting cultural tolerance and protect civil rights.
Directed by Jonathan Hopkins
Assistant Directed by Hannah Sloat
Cast: Jeffrey Brabant, Brendan Cataldo, Raquel Chavez, Justin Crowley, Shaun Bennet Fauntleroy, Michael Hanson, Jeremy Harris, Eleanor McCormick, Angu O’Brien, Oliver Palmer, Nowani Rattray, Danny Rivera, Chloe Ross, Kate Ross, Daniel Walton, Corey Whelihan, Katie Willmorth, Mia Wurgaft.
Stage Managed by Allie Grant; assistant stage managed by Alexandra Kostis
Music composition by Oliver Palmer and Zoe Rose Briskey; lighting design by Jenn Fok; voice and text coaching by Patrick Harvey; fights by Brian Lee Huynh; costume design by Bevin McNally; scenic and props designer by Benjamin Wygonik.
Photography by Chris Montgomery